Title must be 60 to 70 words not too small or too lengthy i recommend from 60 to 70 words and description must be 250 words . Some people Say that Longer description will beneficial but according to my experience 250 words of description is good and show below video when some one search your video. Now from the privacy option select Private . In case you want to schedule your video than you can If you mark Your video public than you will be unable to schedule them with out computer.and doing all the works that i mention above click arrow like structure and uploading will start to see uploading progress drag the notification bar.
After this open the second app mean YouTube studio and login to your YouTube channel go to videos and select the video which is uploading click the pencil icon in the thumbnail and than at the bottom add tags two tags are separated by comma . If you want to schedule the video click privacy and select schedule and select the time you wish thats all you are done.
after reading this you will able to upload video to YouTube with out computer and add tags on YouTube video with out computer.