How to properly create Blogger Blog In Just 2 Minutes.

hello guy you want to create a blogger blog. but don,t know where to start then you land at the right place. today i will show you from begin to end that how to create blogger blog. and related helpful tips related to blogger blog.


creating blog now a days is very easy. its don,t require any thing coding programing or designing knowledge . there are two popular blogger platform right now.
  • one is blogger which is own by google.
  • second is word press.
Both Has His Own Advantages and disadvantages.
today in this post i will create a blogger blog. if you are interested in word press then read this article (Here) so now let begin follow all my steps.
  1. create a google account if you don,t have one.
  2. then go to blogger .
  3. sign up or blogger .
  4. click create blog.
  5. enter the title .
  6. enter URL and check if its available click create BLOG.
  7.  And Now You success fully create your blog. 
    Read : 5 Thing Every Beginner Blogger Should Do.