General knowledge test for Forces, Css ,Nts,Army and Other Exams MCQS

  • Cane killed Abel because he (Abel) wanted to marry
  • Akleema
  • . Hazrat Adam (AS) had —————- Sons.
  • 3
  • . Who was the youngest son of Hazrat Adam (AS).
  • Hazrat Shees (AS)
  • . Science , astronomy , writing with pen, sewing and weapons were made by ————– first of all.
  • Hazrat Idrees (AS)
  • . Fundamentals of Islam are in number
  • 5
  • . The word “Tehlil” means
  • Recitation of Kalima
  • . Namaz-e-Khasoof is related to
  • Lunar Eclipse
  • . Namaz-e-Istasqa is related to
  • Rain
  • . When prayer was made obligatory during the life of Holy prophet (PBUH) ?.
  • At the occasion of Miraj
  • . For whom the Jumma is not compulsory ?
  • Women
  • . Name the two prayers which have no Azan ?
  • Eid and Janaza
  • . Eid is
  • Wajib
  • . Wuzu has ——— Farz.
  • 4
  • . Namaz-e-Taraweeh is
  • Sunnat
  • . When the permission for Tayammum was granted ?
  • 4 A.H
  • . When Zakat was made obligatory for Muslims ?
  • 2 A.H
  • . It has been ——— times ordered for Zakat in the Holy Quran.
  • 22
  • . It is the payable on gold measuring
  • 7 1/2
  • . It is payable on Silver of
  • 52 1/2 tolas
  • . Fast (Saum) was made obligatory in the ———— A.H.
  • 2 A.H
  • . "Shoot" means
  • Tawaf of Ka`ba
  • . Give the number of duties during Hajj ?
  • 3
  • . Arafat is about ———— miles from Ka`ba
  • 10
  • . Muzdalifa is situated between
  • Mina and Arafat
  • . The soap was made by —————- first of all.
  • Hazrat Salih (AS)
  • . Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) was born in the present day —————–
  • Iraq
  • . Only ———- Sahifay were revealed to Hazrat Ibraheem (AS).
  • 3
  • . Hazrat Sara (RA) the wife of Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) and the mother of Hazrat Ishaq (AS) was the sister of Prophet :
  • Hazrat loot (AS)
  • . Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) was ————– years old when hazrat Ismaeel (AS) was born to Hazrat Hajra (RA).
  • 86
  • . Israel was the son of :
  • Hazrat Ishaq (AS))
  • . Israel was —————- years old when Hazrat Ishaq (AS) died.
  • 147
  • . The following prophet suffered from blindness in his old age :
  • Hazrat Ishaq (AS)
  • . Hazrat Yousaf (AS) was the son of :
  •  Hazrat Yaqoob (AS)
  • . The mountains would break by the miracle of
  • Hazrat Yaqoob (AS)
  • . ———- “Sahifay” were revealed to Hazrat Idrees (AS).
  • 30
  • . Who was called as Abu-ul-Bashr Sani :
  • Hazrat Noah (AS)
  • .The nations of Noah worshipped ——— idols.
  • five
  • . The nation of ——– was exterminated through the scourage of floods.
  • Hazrat Hood (AS)
  • . Hazrat Noah (AS) remained in the boat for about six months. Where had his boat stopped ?
  • Turkey
  • . About ———— people were with him in the boat.
  • 80
  • . “Aod” was the nation of :
  • Hazrat Hood (AS)
  • . After seven days continous thunderous rain and storm the nation of ——— was destroyed.
  • Hazrat Hood (AS)
  • . The nation of Samood was preached by
  • Hazrat Salih (AS)
  • . The miracle of a pregnant female camel was sent to the nation of
  • Samood
  • . One pair of books in not among the Sahahe Sitta :
  • Sahih Bukhari , Shamail Tirmizi
  • . It is the first book of Hadith that was compiled by
  • Muata Imam Malik
  • . Hazrat Adam (AS) is a word of ————– language .
  • Syriani
  • . Height of Hazrat Adam (AS) was
  • 90 feet
  • . Hazrat Adam`s (AS) grave is present in
  • Saudi Arabia
  • . __________ was a carpenter
  • Hazrat Zakria (AS)
  • . Hazrat Isa (AS) was the cousin of
  • Hazrat Yahya (AS)
  • . King Herodus ordered the execution of ______________ at the behest of a dancer Sloma.
  • Hazrat Yahya (AS)
  • . He married at the age of 30
  • a. Hazrat Isa (AS)
  • b. Hazrat Yahya (AS)
  • c. Both
  • d. None of the above
  • . He cured the victims of leprosy as a miracle
  • Hazrat Isa (AS)
  • . The nation of _______ committed embezzlement in the trusts.
  • Hazrat Shoaib (AS))
  • . He was given the title of the ” Speaker of the prophets “
  • Hazrat Shoaib (AS)
  •  He wept too much over the destruction of his nation that he got blinded
  • Hazrat Shoaib (AS)
  • . Which Prophet had to commit a murder at the age of 30 ?
  • Hazrat Musa (AS)
  • . When the army of Pharoah was pursuing the Israelis, Hazrat Musa (AS) crossed the following sea
  •  The Red Sea
  • . When Hazrat Ilyas (AS) prayed for his nation, it rained after a period of
  • 3 12 years
  • . At the time of Bait-ul-Makdas` destruction, all the copies of Taurait were destroyed and scattered. He reassembled Taurait
  • Hazrat Uzair (AS)
  • . At the age of King Bakht Nasr Hazrat Uzair (AS) spend ______ years in jail.
  • 70
  • .Taloot was the father-in-law of
  • Hazrat Dawood (AS)
  • . ________ was a good player of flute
  • Hazrat Dawood (AS)
  • . Hazrat Musa (AS) married the daughter of the prophet —————–
  • Hazrat Shoaib (AS)
  • . He sacrificed a bull, placed woods on it and the fire come from the sky to cook that meat. Which prophet is credited with this miracle ?
  • Hazrat Ilyas (AS)
  • . After sleeping for a 100 years he again woke up :
  • Hazrat Uzair (AS)
  • . As a result of Hazrat Zakria`s (AS) prayer the following prophet was born ?
  • Hazrat Yahya (AS)
  • . Hazrat Yousaf (AS) was thrown into a well by his brothers. What was his age at this time ?
  • 15 years
  • . Hazrat Yousaf (AS) remained in the well for
  • 3 days
  • . Hazrat Yousaf (AS) was put into the jail by the king of egypt. He remained behind the bars for
  • 5 years
  • . Hazrat Yousaf (AS) and Hazrat Yaqoob (AS) met each other after the period of
  • 40 years
  • . The following prophet was the maternal grandfather of Hazrat Ayub (AS)
  •  Hazrat Loot (AS)
  • . Hazrat Ayub (AS) was famous for his quality of
  •  Patience