How to get 10000 Visitor Per day on your blogger blog | genuine visitor

Hi all again , as expectations of every blogger there, you are also in search to get 10000 visitors in a day to your Blog.
To get even 1000 Visitors toward your blog , which will make some revenue .
Every Blogger today wants 1000 visitors to earn some extra more money and visitors are the only way by which it can be done .
But Increasing Blog visitors in some days or week would look different .
Yes here I will Show the 10 Methods by which you will be getting 10000 visitors every day . You just have to check stats then .
But before we go , let me explain something other .
Did you seen a word 'Content' , ofcourse you have seen many times either .
So how it matters in Blog ?
Actually I have also heared a lot about it , then I searched and Known that Only Content is not an important Factor to Make your Blog higher in search results .
There are several things mattering in Increasing Blog's Traffic .
Below I have explained about the factors :
Links in , Relevancy , Bounce Rate , Titles and Headers , Using the Tags , Template , Inter Links , Generating Content , Blog Commenting , Submitting and Adding URL's and Guest Posting .
So here we go :
1] Links in :
The Most effecting Method to Increase your daily traffic is Increasing your Site' Links in .
Links in are the Links from which Users of other sites come to your site /Blog .
The way by which a user enters in your Site/Blog , This Links in are Actually Best to Get traffic from other sites .
Without Links in your Site/Blog will not rank higher anymore .
The more the Links in your site/Blog will have , the best the rank your Site/Blog will get  .
So you should always focus on increasing Links in to Rank higher in Search Engines and Caught thousands of visitors toward your Blog .

2] Content :
YES , Content is also the most important factor here , as blogging is nothing without Content .
Content is actually your own Blog Posts or articles . You should always post Bigger Content which will attract thousands of visitors , To rank higher .
Always post Unique Content , never copy and paste something in your Blog post .
Or your reputation will go down .
Google hates copied content , So make sure you don't add some copied text from other blogs .
Your New Blog post should be more than 3000 words and Look extra cool .
Tip : Sometimes Editing and Updating your old stuff may give good results than Writing new posts .

3] InterLinking Blog posts :
Inter Linking is adding Links of other Blig posts to newer posts .
Interlinking helps to show old stuff related to your newer articles , which will surely been Increasibg CTR of your Blog if clicked .
Always Link your other articles in new Blog posts to fresh them and make them rank better again .
While you InterLink your other pages , This will surely Lower the Bounce Rate of your site/Blog and this will increase CTR , which would be best in increasing adsense revenue from 0 $ to 50$ per day easily from 1000 visitors .

4] SubMitting your Sites :
Yes this is another way to get thousands of visitors daily .
By submitting your Site or Blog URL to other sites will increase Backlinks , which is also a Mattering thing in Blogging .
Always go on Adding Url to other sites .

5] Titles and Headers :
Titles are also the major affecting factor to simply Get thousands of unique visitors fast and securely .
Titles took best role in increasing traffic , they are the first attraction for every Searcher there .
If your Post's Title is impressive and dashing then visitors will surely visit your Blog . Your Title should must be in limit of 45 characters for Blogger and Always Use the '|' Symbol to seperate quotes either of comma ',' .
Add Headers in Posts to Highlight words or Things which are important .

6] Using Tags to improve performance :
Tags are also major affecting factors to increase visitors engagement with your Blog . Using tags is best way to show what you want to say .
Always use tags in limit , actually there is no limit .
But use tags properly ,
Add <h1> , <h2> ...<h6> tags to HighLight headers and Titles .
Add <b> Tag to Bold your Words ,
Add <i> tag to make words italic .
And so on , as being blogger , you should must have basic knowledge of HTML language .

7] Template :
Yes , Designing is fun , You should always have Best template for your Blog .
Template performs good role to make user comfortable and convence with your content .
If your template is stylish then users will get attracted toward your blog .
always make your blog Ads ready and Responsive to get more extra money and income from ads like adsense .

8] Placing Recent Posts Widget :
Placing Widgets like Recent posts or Popluar posts will be best on your blog .
Whenever reader reads and ends reading , then there should be Recent Posts or popular posts in the Sidebar, On a side to Blog post or below the posts .
It would be best if both widgets are there .
This will simply decrease Bounce Rate of your Site/Blog , Which will increase CTR of your Site/Blog .
And if CTR is high then probably you were earning thousands of dollars per day by blogging .

9] Blog Commenting and Social Sharing :
Commenting on other Blogs , which relate in niches with your blog are also hillarious thing which can be done easily .
Find Blogs of high pr and specially those blogs which let you leave your Blog URL before commenting .
This will increase your Blog's Links in , which is the best method to increase traffic .
Social sharing is another method to get thousands of visits , not only visits but this will also increase Links in for your Blog.
Always add social sharing icons below the posts to get it shared by visitors .

10] Guest Posting :
Guest posting is another one factor which can make 100$ per day from adsense ads .
Yes by Guest posting on other blogs and Linking your blog on them will be good way to increase Links in .
Also you should add Guest posting plugin in your wordpress blog .
So all the above are the the 10 things yiu must done for your blog to get 10000 visitors each day fast 
If you have any question with above 10 methods then do comment about it below .