Best free hosting for wordpress with 99% uptime 2019

as many of the student want to earn money online or for educational purpose what ever the reaso mni sthey want to build a worpdress blog but they failed to do so because they can,t afford hosting so today in this oist i will be shoeing you  best free hosting that can cost you nothing and give you free hosting like premium hosting with all feature that are avilble in premium hosting. all the webhosting is wordpress supported and it will take  about 2 min to install wordpresas on them ansd  i will be explaining one by one  free hosting and the final decesoin is on you you can choose whatever you want . but i will tell you to try all one by week on one hosting and week on other whichever you think fits for you lock them. in case you wanna premium hosting all the provider also support premium hosting which will unlock futher feature