Web Components & Stencil.js – Build Custom HTML Elements


A Complete Introduction to building Custom HTML Elements/ Web Components with and without StencilJS

What you’ll learn

Overcome the limitations of the built-in HTML elements with the power of HTML, CSS and JavaScript only

Let’s face it: You got thousands of HTML tags to choose from but some really helpful ones (<tabs>, <side-drawer>, <modal>, …) are missing.

What if you could build your own HTML tags?

Without frameworks like Angular, libraries like React or expert JavaScript knowledge in general. Just with a magic, native-JavaScript feature called “Web Components” (or “custom HTML elements”).

Web Components are a combination of various specifications that are baked into the browser. Getting started with these features is a breeze and you’ll quickly be able to build your own powerful and re-usable (even across projects!) custom HTML elements.

Such custom elements don’t replace Angular, React or Vue though – instead you can easily use them in ANY web project, including projects using such frameworks and libraries.

In this course, you’ll learn this from scratch.

But we won’t stop there. Whilst getting started is fairly easy, more complex components will be more difficult to create. Stencil.js is a tool that makes the creation of such native web components much easier by using modern features like TypeScript and JSX (don’t know that? No worries, you’ll learn it in the course!).

In detail, in this course you will learn:


Let’s dive into this exciting technology together!

Created by Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller, Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Last updated 2/2019

Size: 3.81 GB

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